Bibot Token


Get profit from successful cryptocurrency trading.

How to buy

Why should invest in Bibot Token:

Direct Link to Algorithmic Trading Profits

Bibot Token uniquely ties its value directly to the success of sophisticated algorithmic trading strategies on Binance Futures. Investors benefit from 50% of the trading profits, which are used to buy back Bibot Tokens on Uniswap, enhancing both the token's value and liquidity.

Innovative Tokenomics for Enhanced Liquidity

The buyback mechanism not only supports the token price but also significantly increases its market liquidity. This makes Bibot Token a more attractive investment and trading option, ensuring ease of entry and exit for investors.

Access to High-Frequency Trading Benefits

Traditionally, the advantages of high-frequency algorithmic trading were reserved for institutional investors or those with significant resources. Bibot Token democratizes access to these benefits, allowing individual investors to participate in high-potential trading strategies with a lower barrier to entry.

Transparency and Security on the Blockchain

Leveraging the Polygon (MATIC) blockchain and smart contracts, Bibot Token offers a high level of transparency and security. Investors can trust in the clear, automated distribution of trading profits and the integrity of the token's operations, bolstered by the blockchain's immutable nature.

Bibot Token: Revolutionizing Algorithmic Trading on Binance Futures

Bibot Token is at the forefront of integrating blockchain technology with the high-octane world of algorithmic trading on the Binance Futures platform. Created to harness the power of advanced trading algorithms, Bibot Token aims to democratize the benefits of high-frequency trading strategies, making them accessible to a broader audience.

Why Bibot Token Exists

In the volatile world of cryptocurrency trading, access to sophisticated trading strategies has traditionally been the domain of institutions and individuals with the resources to develop complex algorithms. Bibot Token changes this paradigm by leveraging a state-of-the-art trading algorithm, Bibot, which has been meticulously designed to navigate the fluctuations of the Binance Futures market.

Purpose and Vision

The inception of Bibot Token was driven by a singular vision: to create a token that embodies the potential of algorithmic trading while fostering a transparent and equitable ecosystem for its holders. By linking the token's value directly to the success of algorithmic trading on a major platform like Binance Futures, Bibot Token introduces a novel way for investors to participate in the rewards of high-frequency trading without needing to develop their own algorithms.

How It Works

Bibot Token operates on a simple yet powerful principle: the algorithmic trading bot, Bibot, executes high-frequency trades on the Binance Futures platform. A portion of the profits from these trades is then converted into MATIC and used to purchase Bibot Tokens directly from the market. This process not only benefits token holders through potential price appreciation but also enhances the overall liquidity of the token, making it more attractive for future investors.

The strategic decision to use Polygon (MATIC) for transactions ensures high speed and low fees, further maximizing the efficiency of the buyback mechanism. Moreover, the choice of Uniswap as the platform for token purchase emphasizes the project's commitment to decentralization and accessibility.

Join the Revolution

Bibot Token represents a groundbreaking approach to blending algorithmic trading success with the burgeoning world of DeFi and cryptocurrencies. It stands as a testament to the potential of combining cutting-edge technology with innovative financial mechanisms to create more inclusive and democratic financial instruments.

By investing in Bibot Token, you're not just buying a cryptocurrency; you're becoming part of a pioneering movement that seeks to redefine the landscape of digital asset trading.

What is Bibot Token?

Bibot Token is a cryptocurrency that bridges the gap between algorithmic trading success on Binance Futures and tokenomics. It is designed to benefit its holders by allocating 50% of the profits generated from algorithmic trading to buy Bibot Tokens on the Uniswap DEX, increasing its value and liquidity.

How does Bibot Token work?

The token operates through a sophisticated algorithmic bot, Bibot, that trades on Binance Futures. A portion of the trading profits is converted to Polygon (MATIC) and used to purchase Bibot Tokens from the market on Uniswap, supporting both the token's price and its liquidity.

Why was Bibot Token created?

Bibot Token was developed to democratize access to advanced algorithmic trading strategies, allowing the broader community to benefit from trading success on Binance Futures. It introduces a transparent and equitable mechanism for value distribution among token holders.

How can I buy Bibot Token?

Bibot Token can be purchased on Uniswap, a decentralized exchange (DEX). You'll need an Polygon-compatible wallet like MetaMask and some MATIC to exchange for Bibot Tokens. Visit Uniswap, connect your wallet, and swap your chosen currency for Bibot Tokens.

Is there a minimum amount of Bibot Token I can purchase?

There is no official minimum purchase amount for Bibot Tokens on Uniswap. However, network transaction fees (gas fees) on Polygon (MATIC) might influence the practical minimum amount you'd want to exchange to make the transaction cost-effective.

How is the price of Bibot Token determined?

The price of Bibot Token on Uniswap is determined by supply and demand dynamics within its liquidity pool. The automated market maker (AMM) model allows for price determination based on the ratio of Bibot Tokens to the other Polygon (MATIC) in the pool.

Can I sell Bibot Token on Uniswap?

Yes, you can sell Bibot Token on Uniswap at any time. Just connect your wallet to Uniswap, select Bibot Token as the token you wish to sell, and choose the cryptocurrency you want to receive in exchange.

What makes Bibot Token unique?

Bibot Token's unique value proposition lies in its direct linkage of token value to the success of algorithmic trading strategies on Binance Futures. This innovative approach ensures that token holders benefit directly from trading profits, making Bibot Token a pioneering financial instrument in the DeFi space.

Are there any risks involved in trading Bibot Token?

As with any cryptocurrency, trading Bibot Token involves risks, including market volatility and liquidity issues. Potential investors should conduct their due diligence and consider their risk tolerance before trading.

Where can I find more information about Bibot Token?

For more detailed information, including the project's whitepaper, trading strategies, and future plans, please visit the official Bibot Token website. You can also join our community on Telegram to ask questions and stay updated on the latest developments.

How can I verify the trading results of Bibot?

To ensure full transparency, we provide detailed trading reports accessible on our website. Additionally, we maintain a public ledger of all transactions associated with Bibot's trading activities on Binance Futures, which you can cross-reference using the corresponding transaction IDs. For those interested in the technical analysis, we also provide an API that can be used to programmatically retrieve trading data for independent verification.

Can you provide the contract address of the token?

Certainly! The contract address for Bibot Token on the Polygon (MATIC) blockchain is 0x8eD098e268e3Ff8cD462F67C210beFC2E8462668 . You can verify this address on our official website and cross-check it on the Polygon (MATIC) blockchain explorer, such as Polygonscan. We advise only using the contract address provided on our verified channels to prevent any fraudulent activity.

What principle will be used for purchasing the token?

Bibot will allocate a specific percentage of the profits from algorithmic trading on a bi-weekly basis to purchase Bibot Tokens on Uniswap. This percentage is predetermined and outlined in our whitepaper and tokenomics documentation. The buy-back mechanism is executed through a smart contract, ensuring it is done in a transparent and predictable manner.

What algorithm will be used for token burns?

Our token burning strategy is designed to reduce the overall supply of Bibot Tokens periodically, based on certain thresholds of profitability and reserve levels. The algorithm takes into account the total tokens in circulation, the current price of Bibot Token, and our reserve status to determine the number of tokens to be burned. This process is automated and is triggered by a smart contract to ensure fairness and transparency.

What is the expected lifespan of the token?

The Bibot Token is designed with a long-term perspective. Our business model and tokenomics are structured to support the token's growth and utility indefinitely. However, the market dynamics and technology advancements will dictate the adaptability and life span of Bibot Token, as with any cryptocurrency.

Can I monitor the activities of buying and selling tokens?

All Bibot Token transactions will be recorded on the Polygon (MATIC) blockchain, which is publicly accessible and can be viewed by anyone for verification purposes. You can monitor these transactions through blockchain explorers like Polygonscan. Additionally, we will implement a dashboard feature on our platform that provides real-time data about token activities, including buy-backs and burns, to provide our users with up-to-date information.

About $BBTT Bibot Token

Contract Address


Total Supply

500 000

Blockchain Network

Polygon (MATIC)

Bibot Token Tokenomics

At Bibot Token, we're committed to a transparent and strategic allocation of our tokens, ensuring a stable foundation for our platform and providing clear benefits for our community and team. Here's how our tokens are distributed:

  • 50% Initial Liquidity: To secure a strong start, half of our tokens will be provided as initial liquidity on Uniswap. This substantial liquidity pool aims to facilitate smooth trading, minimize slippage, and provide confidence to our early adopters and investors.
  • 20% Uniswap Reserve: We're setting aside 20% of Bibot Tokens as a strategic reserve on Uniswap. These tokens serve a dual purpose: to offer stability in the face of trading volatility and to support the token's price during unforeseen market downturns. If Bibot's trading bot maintains profitability, a portion of this reserve may be burned periodically to reduce overall token supply and increase value.
  • 10% Community Incentives: A dedicated 10% of Bibot Tokens is allocated for community incentives. This includes rewards for active participation, airdrops, and other community-driven initiatives. Our goal is to foster engagement, reward loyalty, and grow our user base organically.
  • 10% Team Allocation: To incentivize and reward the hard work of our founding team and contributors, 10% of the tokens will be allocated to them. This allocation will be subject to a vesting schedule to align team incentives with the long-term success and health of the Bibot ecosystem.
  • 10% Marketing and Growth: To ensure the broad reach and continued adoption of Bibot Token, we allocate 10% of our tokens to marketing. This budget will be used for strategic partnerships, promotional campaigns, and outreach efforts to bring Bibot Token to a wider audience.

Bibot Token Whitepaper

Discover the full potential of Bibot Token and our innovative approach to integrating algorithmic trading with blockchain technology. Download our Whitepaper to learn more about our strategies, tokenomics, and future plans.

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